Video – Roving Reporter #70: Abp Raymond Burke and Shrine of OLO Guadalupe
Roving Reporter #70 - Fr. Peter interviews the founder of Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine. ( 26min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Archbishop Raymond Burke is at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe…

August 10, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter #71: Courage with Fr. Paul Check
Roving Reporter #71 - Friar Roderick and Fr. Paul Check ( 08min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In this episode, Friar Roderick interviews Fr. Paul Check, priest from the Diocese of Bridgeport, CT, and…

Mother Teresa, What will Save the World?
September 4, 2009
Mother Teresa, What will Save the World?
Ave Maria Meditations "My answer is prayer. What we need is for every Parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Hours of prayer. " "The time you spend with…

September 7, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter #75: The Jaws of Abortion
Roving Reporter #75 - The dangers that lie under the surface ( 02min) >>> Play Ave Maria! On Martha's Vineyard a handful of protesters took the message of "No abortion in health care"…

September 7, 2009
Video – Roving Reporter #76: Protesting on the Vineyard
Roving Reporter #76 - Protesting Abortion outside the President's vacation spot. ( 10min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Friar Roderic interviews Chris Slatterly President of Frontline Pregnancy Centers and Rev Patrick Mahoney Director of…

September 14, 2009
Video – Face of Pro-Life #69: The Ave Maria Home in Norwich
Face of Pro-Life #69 - A New Maternity Home in Connecticut ( 29min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Corinn Dahm speaks with Louise Murray and Lisa Martin, coordinators of the new Ave Maria Maternity…

November 12, 2009
Video – The Woman Against Abortion, Part III – Moral Situations Part 2 – Mcast s64
Marycast Specials #64 ( 10min) Play - Dr. Mark Miravalle stresses the need to keep hope in the pro-life cause in the current pro-abortion environment, even in the prospect of abortion funding in…

November 15, 2009
Video – Face of Pro-life #72: Lisa Martin on Ave Maria Home
Face of Pro-Life #72 - Progress on the Ave Maria Home ( 30min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Corinn Dahm and Lisa Martin discuss the blossoming effort to raise funds for the Ave Maria…

A Voice is Heard in Ramah: Weeping for Her Children
December 28, 2009
A Voice is Heard in Ramah: Weeping for Her Children
The stone for the tomb of the unborn babies' bodies rescued from the Boulder Abortion Clinic--article posted at the end of the homily St. Matthew’s Gospel (Mat. 2: 1-18) describes the events that…

January 13, 2010
Video – Roving Reporter #95: Dawn Eden on Pre-Vatican II Morality
Roving Reporter #95 - Dawn Eden interviewed by Fra Roderic ( 28min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Dawn Eden, who last year gave us the great story of her conversion through St. Maximilian Kolbe…

The Wages of Sin…
January 18, 2010
The Wages of Sin…
Ave Maria Meditations For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) + The Culture of Death, that is what…

The Attack is at the Other End of Life too
January 22, 2010
The Attack is at the Other End of Life too
Ave Maria Meditations A community that gets rid of someone—a community that is allowed to, and can, and wants to get rid of someone when he no longer is able to run around…

A Young Martyr for Purity: St. Maria Goretti
July 6, 2010
A Young Martyr for Purity: St. Maria Goretti
Ave Maria Meditations Maria Goretti died a martyr before her twelfth birthday. Young as she was, she made a choice, a choice based on her faith. The Church holds up to the world…

Archbishop Sheen on ‘tolerance’
July 9, 2010
Archbishop Sheen on ‘tolerance’
Ave Maria Meditations The Curse of Broadmindedness (from Fulton J. Sheen: Moods and Truths-written in 1932) "The Catholic Church intolerant." That simple thought, like a yellow-fever sign, is supposed to be the one…