Ave Maria Meditations

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
The Culture of Death, that is what Venerable John Paul II called our modern society. We have an ever expanding culture and society that legalizes the taking of the lives of the unborn and is now gazing at where other populations can be reduced as well. The profitable and defended abortion industry provides a win-win for the demonic agenda against life. The life of the unborn child is taken immediately. But abortion (and the contraceptive hormone pill ) is linked to the development of cancers in the mothers later on. That physical life could potentially be taken as well. But the spiritual death of all involved is something we cannot guage. The death of souls.
The abortion industry is protected by law. Often uniformed officers are outside to guard the facility. It is like guarding Auschwitz. The killing is legal. The performing of the act by some who call themselves ‘medical professionals’ is a travesty. Their souls are at stake too. There are the multitudes who vote for ‘the woman’s right to choose’. To choose what? What to have for lunch? No, to choose to take the life of another, to stop a beating heart.
It all starts long before the appointment to see the abortionist. It starts with the society that encourages pre-marital sex and co-habitation. It starts with an ‘educational’ system that mandates ‘sex education’ for children to the early loss of their innocence and the experimenting of sexual encounters. These things are so main stream and have been for so long that it seems the ‘norm’. This indoctrination into sinful habits brings dire consequences.
God is merciful. He knows so many people hardly know right from wrong, especially the young people. But the wages of sin is still death even when one perhaps cannot recognize sin. God is the Author of life! Sin can be repented of. While there is life, there is also the hope of eternal life. Jesus forgives. We pray for all those entangled in the Culture of Death, that they will come to know the mercy of God through true repentance; we pray for the conversion of hearts.