October 16, 2009
Video – Standing Fast #31: Our Lady of Victory
Standing Fast #31 - Our Lady of Victory ( 9 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In this edition of Standing Fast Father Angelo returns after a long hiatus and speaks about the Feast…

November 13, 2009
Video – OLA1: Our Lady of America to the World – Dr. Miravalle: MCast 89
Marycast #89 ( 11min) Play - In this episode Dr. Miravalle begins a three part series on the apparitions of Our Lady of America that occurred in Indiana and Ohio in the 1950's.…

Presentation of Mary: a Meditation on her Humility
November 21, 2009
Presentation of Mary: a Meditation on her Humility
Ave Maria Meditations Mary's humility Our Lady teaches us the way of humility. This virtue should not be thought of as an essentially negative sense, even though it does involve a denial of…

December 10, 2009
Video – Mother Angelica: Coredemptrix, Mediatrix, and Advocate
Short Series #46 - Fr Peter Damian Fehlner and Mother Angelica 1998 ( 53min) >>> Play Ave Maria! In this video from March 25, 1998, Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner and Mother Angelica promote…

His Likeness to His Mother was one of His Eternal Joys
January 8, 2010
His Likeness to His Mother was one of His Eternal Joys
Ave Maria Meditations He chose his Mother ... When we reflect upon the joy which it is to ourselves to think of Mary, to brood upon her supernatural loveliness, and to study the…

January 29, 2010
Video – New Years Resolution – Dr. Miravalle: Mcast117
Marycast #117 ( 9min) Play - Dr. Miravalle asks us to make a new years resolution to pray at least one prayer daily for the solemn definition of the Fifth Maria Dogma. Historians…

And a Sword will Pierce Your Own Heart Also
February 2, 2010
And a Sword will Pierce Your Own Heart Also
Mary, Co-redemptrix with Christ. The meaning of pain. Old Simeon, having blessed the young couple, turned to Mary and, inspired by the Holy Spirit, opened her eyes to the sufferings her Son would…

February 27, 2010
Video – Roving Reporter #101: “Child Of Mary”
Roving Reporter #101 - Randy Albright-Child Of Mary ( 03min) >>> Play Ave Maria! "Child Of Mary" is beautiful song by Randy Albright. Please visit http://ikahnrecords.com/ to learn more. Ave Maria! +++

No Greater Love
March 1, 2010
No Greater Love
Ave Maria Meditations Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. (Jn. 15:13) I dare say that God in His…

ZENIT – Is the Time Ripe for a 5th Marian Dogma?
March 5, 2010
ZENIT – Is the Time Ripe for a 5th Marian Dogma?
ZENIT - Is the Time Ripe for a 5th Marian Dogma?. Ave Maria! Looks like things are starting to move on the 5th Marian Dogma front. On March 25th, Feast of the Annunciation…

Mary, Co-redemptrix with Christ
March 22, 2010
Mary, Co-redemptrix with Christ
Ave Maria Mediations Mary present in the sacrifice of the Cross. Throughout Jesus' earthly life his Mother Holy Mary fulfilled the Divine Will by looking after him with loving care…

March 24, 2010
Video – Fr Agnellus: England’s Nazareth
Short Series #33 - Fr. Agnellus takes on a tour of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham ( 04min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Walsingham, in north Norfolk, England (United Kingdom) has been…

March 26, 2010
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