NCRegister | Honor Our Lady of Fatima: Spend ‘A Day With Mary’
Ave Maria! The National Catholic Register has published and article on the apostolate "A Day With Mary" that we run through our MIM group in England, USA, Italy and Australia. One of the…
Sweet Heart of the Immaculata!
June 8, 2013
Sweet Heart of the Immaculata!
DEVOTION TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY The Five First Saturdays: The Child Jesus spoke these words: "Have pity on the heart of your Most Holy Mother. It is covered with thorns, with…

October 10, 2013
Video – A Day With Mary #97: Fr Andre speaks on Our Lady
A Day With Mary #97 - ( 21 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Andre speaks on Our Lady during the “Day With Mary” held at Santa Clara Parish in Bentley, Western Australia…

January 14, 2014
Video – A Day With Mary #103: Fr Joseph Michael speaks on Our Lady
A Day With Mary #103 - Fr Joseph Michael speaks on Our Lady ( 17 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Joseph Michael speaks on Our Lady during the "Day With Mary" held…

February 1, 2014
Feb 01 – Homily – Fr Louis Maximilian: God Doesn’t Do Damage Control
Homily #140201n ( 13min) Play - Fr. Louis Maximilian shows that King David's repentance after the adultery with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah is an example of the need for repentance, and also that…

February 2, 2014
Video – A Day With Mary #104: Fr Andre speaks on Our Lady’s role in the Presentation in the Temple
A Day With Mary #104 - Fr Andre speaks on Our Lady ( 16 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fr. Andre speaks on Our Lady during the “Day With Mary” held at St.…

April 10, 2014
Video – Visitations of Mary Pilgrimage – Variety 241
Variety #241 - ( 26min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Video highlights of the "Visitations of Mary" Pilgrimage with Fr. Joseph Michael McShane, FI. +++

PHOTOS: Marian Day 2014 May
May 4, 2014
PHOTOS: Marian Day 2014 May
Twice a year (May & October) at Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, Indiana there is a "Marian Day" that consist of a rosary procession, crowning of a statue of our…

May 13, 2014
May 13 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Our Lady Is Waiting
Homily #140513n ( 07min) Play - On the 97th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, Father Matthias reminds us that, as Lucia asked "Will I go to Heaven," we…

September 30, 2014
Sep 30 – Homily – Fr Maximilian W: Pray the Rosary for Peace
Homily #140930n ( 05min) Play - Father Maximilian comments on the Gospel, and tells us that we are not to call down curses on our enemies, but to call down God's graces through…