August 3, 2015
Variety #271 – Fra Solanus on Our Lady of Knock
Variety #271 - Fra Solanus on Our Lady of Knock ( 42min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fra Solanus tells us about the apparition at Knock, County Mayo, Ireland on the 21st August 1879,…

August 7, 2015
Video – Marian Shrines of the World #21: Our Lady of China
Marian Shrines of the World #21 - Our Lady of China ( 9 min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Join Fr. Andre in this episode of “Marian Shrines of the World” as he relates…

August 15, 2015
Aug 16 – Homily – Fr Andre: Receiving Our Lord in purity
Homily #150816a ( 04min) Play - This is a reflection given by Fr. Andre M. Feain on the readings for the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time, August 16th 2015. Ave Maria! Mass: 20th…

August 26, 2015
Aug 23 – Homily – Fr Andre: Virgin Made Church
Homily #150823a ( 07min) Play - This is a reflection given by Fr. Andre M. Feain on the readings for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, August 23rd 2015. Ave Maria! Mass: 21st…

August 28, 2015
Video – Variety #276: Legion of Mary
Variety #276 - Legion of Mary ( 28min) >>> Play Ave Maria! A summary of the origins and the Rule of the Legion of Mary, by Canon Francis J. Ripley. (The article is…

August 30, 2015
Aug 30 – Homily – Fr Giles: Sanctify your heart
Homily #150830a ( 07min) Play - This is a reflection given by Fr. Giles M. Atherton on the readings for the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, August 30th 2015. Ave Maria! Mass: 22nd…

September 5, 2015
Video – A Day With Mary #140: The Eucharist and the Mass
A Day With Mary #140 - The Eucharist and the Mass ( 17min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Archbishop Barry James Hickey, Emeritus Archbishop of Perth, speaks on the Eucharist during the “Day With…

September 5, 2015
Sep 06 – Homily – Fr Andre: The Eucharistic Jesus is here to heal you
Homily #150906a ( 11min) Play - This is a reflection given by Fr. Andre M. Feain on the readings for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, September 6th 2015. Ave Maria! Mass: 23rd…

September 6, 2015
Video – A Day With Mary #141: Mary as Ark of the Covenant and Queen
A Day With Mary #141 - Mary as Ark of the Covenant and Queen ( 21min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Archbishop Barry James Hickey, Emeritus Archbishop of Perth, speaks on Our Lady during…

September 8, 2015
Variety #277 – Fra Solanus on Glastonbury
Variety #277 - Fra Solanus on Glastonbury ( 22min) >>> Play Ave Maria! Fra Solanus tells us about Glastonbury in England, and how this place was steeped in history even prior to the…

September 15, 2015
Sep 15 – Homily – Fr Giles: The Redeeming Sorrows of Our Lady
Homily #150915a ( 06min) Play - A homily given by Fr. Giles M. Atherton on the Feastday of Our Lady of Sorrows, Tuesday September 15th, 2015. Ave Maria! Mass: Our Lady of Sorrows…