February 19, 2017
Feb 19 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Conquer Evil with Good
The Gospel reading today presents Jesus' teachings on loving one's enemies. This is not natural, but supernatural; not human, but divine. As such, it is the sign of the true Christian, one who…

Th Cross of Christ: It Separates and It Divides
November 19, 2018
Th Cross of Christ: It Separates and It Divides
Ave Maria Meditations If we are going to stay close to the cross of Jesus with Mary, we must constantly increase our knowledge of the mystery of the cross to relive it....The cross…

About the Holy Ghost
September 25, 2020
About the Holy Ghost
Ave Maria Meditations The Holy Ghost was to be to the Church what our Lord had been to His disciples while He was upon the earth. Nay, incredible as it seems, He was…

Prayer to St. Joseph to Guard the Church
October 27, 2023
Prayer to St. Joseph to Guard the Church
Ave Maria Meditations Most watchful Guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ; keep far from us, most loving father, all blight of error and corruption. Mercifully assist us from heaven,…