April 18, 2014
Apr 18 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Sharing in the Passion
Homily #140418n ( 12min) Play Father Matthias shows us that Jesus truly reigned from the Cross. Far from defeat, it is the crowning moment of Truth and Love which does not rule with…

April 22, 2014
Apr 22 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Facts and the Resurrection
Homily #140422n ( 07min) Play - Father Matthias comments on the saying, "Even if the bones of Jesus were found, I would still believe." Father tells us that this is actually blasphemy and…

May 13, 2014
May 13 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Our Lady Is Waiting
Homily #140513n ( 07min) Play - On the 97th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, Father Matthias reminds us that, as Lucia asked "Will I go to Heaven," we…

May 17, 2014
Month of Mary 17 – To Satiate the Thirst of Jesus
Month of Mary #17 ( 10min) Play - Tonight we move from St. Maximilian Koble onto Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Sts Montfort and Kolbe have helped us to see the theology of…

May 18, 2014
Month of Mary 18 – Mother Teresa’s Letter
Month of Mary #18 ( 09min) Play - Today's meditation largely consists of Mother Teresa's letter to the Missionaries of Charity regarding the call she received on September 10th, the event that revolutionized…

May 23, 2014
Month of Mary 23 – Be The One–With Mary
Month of Mary #23 ( 09min) Play - Revisiting the various themes of Mother Teresa's example of a soul totally consecrated to Mary, we sum them up as "Be the one--with Mary". Be the…