Ave Maria Meditations
Oh the depth of the riches of wisdom and the knowledge of God! Today, my heart stands in love and awe before these great words of Saint Paul: the thought comes to me not to wonder that I love You but to marvel that You love me! As the mystery of Your love unfolds before me in the Incarnation, the Redemption, I realize more and more my utter nothingness. What am I? Just clay, dust. Yet, through Your love, I am godlike. I am a god-bearer.
I have made my choice. I want to be wherever You are. I want to follow You to the end. Yes, I know Your end was Calvary; Your way was the way of the Cross. It will also be mine. I know that, alone, I cannot make it, for all comes from You, all goes through You, and all leads to Your glory. So humbly and simply I ask, “Take my hand and lead me.”
It is You who put the desire to follow You into my heart. It is to You that I turn when crosses You have chosen for me seem too heavy. It is to You I look when, bruised and bleeding, I cannot walk anymore. Here I am, O most holy Trinity–in my nothingness and unworthiness–Your fool, Your child: Yours to do with as You please. I need Your help; alone I cannot do anything. I love You. I adore You.
The Servant of God Catherine de Hueck Doherty