The Life and Miracles of St Didacus – Nov 07 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Nov 07, 2023, on the life of St. Didacus, known as San Diego, who was a humble Franciscan brother whose life of prayer, miracles, and service, along with his posthumous miracles, led to his canonization and the naming of the city of San Diego in his honor.

St. Didacus, known as San Diego, born circa 1400 in San Nicolás de Puerto, Andalusia. Renowned for holiness, Didacus wove baskets, like the desert fathers, eschewing money for life's necessities. He joined the Franciscans, living a life marked by prayer and miracles, such as multiplying bread for the poor. His devotion to Our Lady led to healings with the oil of her lamp.

In 1441, Didacus was sent as a missionary to Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, accepting the role to spread God's kingdom. Elected guardian in 1446, he was an exception as a lay brother leading priests, striving to protect natives from conquistadores. His attempt to evangelize Gran Canaria was thwarted by a storm, signaling divine will.

Didacus joined the jubilee in Rome in 1450, visiting saints' tombs and witnessing St. Bernardino of Siena's canonization. Serving in a friary infirmary, he performed healings. Retiring to Our Lady of Salceda, and later Alcalá de Henares, his miracles spread his fame as Didacus of Alcalá.

Dying on November 12, 1463, his incorrupt body continued to be a source of miracles. His intercession was credited with healing King Philip II's son, leading to his canonization in 1588. The patron of Franciscan lay brothers, his name was given to the city of San Diego, embodying the Lord's exaltation of the humble.

00:00 - Introduction
00:15 - Birth and Early Life of St. Didacus
00:57 - Entering the Franciscan Order
01:33 - Miracles and Reputation for Holiness
02:00 - Miracle of the Boy in the Oven
03:08 - Missionary Work in the Canary Islands
05:03 - Caring for Sick Friars in Rome
06:34 - Retirement and Last Years in Spain
07:04 - Death and Incorrupt Body, Miracles
07:53 - Canonization by Pope Sixtus V
08:05 - Namesake of San Diego, California

Links on St Didacus:

Wikipedia - Historical information on Didacus -á

Franciscan Media - Profile of Saint Didacus -

Catholic Saints Day - Miracles of Didacus of Alcalá -

The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego - Short Biography of Saint Didacus -

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Didacus of Alcala - Opt Mem -
Readings: Tuesday 31st Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: rom 12:5-16
Resp: psa 131:1-3
Gsp: luk 14:15-24

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