The Power of the Hail Mary – Oct 25 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 25, 2023, on the rosary in the month of the Rosary in October and specifically the power of the Hail Mary in the conversion of the Lutheran writer Johannes Jorgensen.
The power of Hail Mary and devotion to Our Lady is exemplified by Johannes Jorgensen, a Danish writer born in 1866 in Lutheran Denmark, who had a unique experience with this prayer. Though raised Lutheran, Johannes discovered the Hail Mary in a Catholic book. This prayer deeply moved him, and he began to recite it fervently. Over time, he strayed from his faith, exploring various ideologies like evolutionism, liberalism, socialism, and atheism. However, by 1896, he returned to the Catholic Church. He attributed his return to the devotion he had for the Hail Mary as a child. Through Our Lady, he found God, the Church, and his true self, becoming a prolific writer for the truth.
The devil often tempts us to abandon our devotion to Our Lady, falsely suggesting she's an obstacle to God. But in truth, through Our Lady, we find God, his Church, and even ourselves. Our devotion to her helps us love what she loves: God, the Church, our neighbors, and even ourselves rightly.
Johannes Jorgensen -
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday 29th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: rom 6:12-18
Resp: psa 124:1-8
Gsp: luk 12:39-48
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