Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy – Sep 04 – Homily – Fr Matthias
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Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Sep 04, 2023, on the need to keep the Lord's Day holy by not working as you do on the rest of the days of the week and what this means in the New Covenant as opposed to the old.
today's reflection on the divine law of sanctifying certain days. This is rooted in the third commandment - - Exodus 20:8 - "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." While many observe days like Labor Day, Sunday, the Lord's Day, is often overlooked, even by Christians.
The Third Commandment isn't a continuation of the Old Testament Sabbath laws. The Church determines how we sanctify days. We celebrate the Lord's Day on Sunday, not Saturday. Canon 1247 emphasizes abstaining from works that hinder worship and relaxation on Sundays.
St. John Paul II, in Dies Domini, highlights the oppressive nature of work for many. The Church has historically protected Sunday rest, especially for those oppressed by their work. This aligns with today's gospel where our Lord proclaims liberty to captives - - Luke 4:18.
The Church's language has evolved, but the essence remains. Work that feels oppressive, like servile labor, should be avoided on Sundays. If Sunday leaves you needing rest, reconsider your activities. Prioritize God, setting the day apart for Him. Our Lady of La Salette warns of the consequences of neglecting Sunday. Remembering why and for whom we work prevents work from becoming unbearable servitude.
Let's honor the Lord's Day, reflecting on its purpose and significance.
00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Divine law requires sanctifying certain days
02:28 - Sunday observance is not the same as the Old Testament Sabbath
04:02 - Definition of servile labor historically
07:18 - Oppressive work is still prohibited on Sundays
08:55 - Examples of prohibited servile labor
11:42 - Practical tips for keeping Sunday holy
12:31 - Resting helps us remember purpose and master
13:23 - Jesus came to free us from oppressive work
Dies Domini - JPII 1998 -
CCC - The Third Command meant - Keep the Lord's Day Holy -
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Rose of Viterbo -
Readings: Monday 22nd Week of Ordinary Time -
1st: 1th 4:13-18
Resp: psa 96:1, 3, 4-5, 11-12, 13
Gsp: luk 4:16-30
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