Catechesis on Sexuality 4: Roots of Gender Theory, Part 3 – Aug 30 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Aug 30, 2023, where he continues his series "Catechesis on Sexuality" explaining how the existentialist philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir and her feminism that hated femininity are some of the roots of our modern Gender Theory.

Today's gospel highlights the contrast between external appearance and internal impurity, a prevalent issue in our society due to sin. We continue our exploration of sexuality, focusing on gender theory's roots in feminist thought. Abigail Favale's "The Genesis of Gender" identifies existential, postmodern, and intersectional feminism.

Margaret Sanger significantly influenced our current understanding of sexual freedom. She connects the first and second feminist waves. The first wave, with figures like Susan B. Anthony, were not radicals. The second wave, represented by Simone de Beauvoir, held revolutionary ideas. De Beauvoir, heavily influenced by Jean-Paul Sartre, championed existentialism, which posits that existence precedes essence. This opposes the Catholic belief where essence defines existence.

De Beauvoir's work, "The Second Sex," critiques femininity. She saw femininity as oppressive and aimed to emulate male qualities, which she viewed as representing freedom. This perspective, foundational to modern feminism, often denigrated feminine qualities. Sartre and de Beauvoir believed humans are fundamentally nothing, a belief mirrored in gender ideology. Interestingly, Sartre renounced atheism before his death, recognizing a divine creator, while de Beauvoir remained steadfast in her beliefs.

In conclusion, gender theory's philosophies often stem from flawed ideologies. We pray for those misled by these beliefs, hoping they embrace God's hopeful perspective.

00:00 - Introduction
00:24 - Existentialism Overview
01:56 - De Beauvoir's Philosophy
03:10 - De Beauvoir's Feminist Ideals
04:54 - Misery of De Beauvoir & Sartre
07:51 - Planned Parenthood Case & Existentialism
10:14 - Sad Lives of Influencers
13:14 - Prayers for Conversion

Ave Maria!

Bibliography for Catechesis on Sexuality:

Benedict XVI Christmas Audience to Roman Curia, 2012. -

Abigail Favale, The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory, Ignatius Press, 2022. -

Catholic Diocese of Arlington, A Catechesis on the Human Person & Gender Ideology, August 12, 2021. -

Mary Eberstadt, Adam and Eve after the Pill: Paradoxes of the Sexual Revolution, Ignatius Press, 2012. -

Donald De Marco & Benjamin Wiker, Architects of the Culture of Death, Ignatius Press, 2004. -

John Grabowski, Unraveling Gender: The Battle over Sexual Difference, TAN Books, 2022. -

Michele M. Schumacher, Metaphysics and Gender: The Normative Art of Nature and its Human Imitations, Emmaus Academic, 2023. -

Paul M. Quay, The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality: Expanded Edition, Ignatius Press, 2017. -

John DeSilva Finley, Sexual Identity: The Harmony of Philosophy, Science, and Revelation, Emmaus Road Publishing, 2022. -

Congregation for Catholic Education, Male & Female He Created Them: Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education, Vatican City, 2019. -

Playlist for Gender Theology:

Mass: Wednesday 21st Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: 1th 2:9-13
Resp: psa 139:7-12
Gsp: mat 23:27-32

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