Faith and the Bread of Life – Apr 27 – Homily – Fr John Lawrence

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Fr John Lawrence gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Apr 27, 2023, on how today's readings emphasize the role of faith. The eunuch believes in the one God and goes to Jerusalem to worship Him. He believes the gospel taught by Philip and receives baptism and salvation. The Jews in Capernaum struggle to believe Christ's words. Christ quotes Isaiah's statement, "They shall all be taught by God." He sends graces that allow us to grasp the message and receive the gift of faith. The inner teacher can reveal the hidden meaning of the scriptures. Christ is the living bread of eternal life, contrasting the manna eaten by ancestors in the desert. The new manna is the Holy Spirit, and Jesus fulfills Isaiah's servant songs. The eunuch believes and is baptized, becoming part of the covenant and gaining the right to the bread of life.

Some related links:

Isaiah 54:13 - "They shall all be taught by God" - [Isaiah 54:13 -]

John 6:49-50 - "Your ancestors ate the manna in the desert and they died" - [John 6:49-50 -]

1 Corinthians 11:24 - "This is my body that is for you" - [1 Corinthians 11:24 -]

Acts 8:27-28 - "The eunuch was reading when Philip was sent to him" - [Acts 8:27-28 -]

Isaiah 56:5 - "I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters" - [Isaiah 56:5 -]

Acts 8:36-37 - "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God" - [Acts 8:36-37 -]

Ave Maria!

Mass: Thursday 3rd Week of Easter - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: act 8:26-40
Resp: psa 66:8-9, 16-17, 20
Gsp: joh 6:44-51

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