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Feelings….Nothing More Than Feelings?

Ave Maria Meditations:
(We might think): but if I could at least experience our Lord’s love, some of its darts and flames, I would love Him much more; they would transform my heart and said it ablaze with love…

We mistake feeling for love. When we ask our Lord to make us love Him, we expect Him to make us feel that we love Him. Things will come to a sorry pass were He to listen to us. No! Love means sacrifice, the gift of our will and submission to that of God. The virtue of strength is the fruit of Eucharistic contemplation and of communion, which is perfect union with Jesus.

 The sweetness of it is short-lived; strength alone endures. And what are we in need of against ourselves and the world if not strength? Strength brings us peace. Do you not feel at peace in the presence of our Lord? That proves that you love Him! What more do you want? 

He has hidden Himself in order to have us ponder over His goodness and His virtue; in order that our love might become serious, disengaged from the senses, content with a strength and peace of God. The strength of our love will bring complete certitude to our faith. 

The senses having been reduced to silence, our soul will enter into communion with Jesus Christ; and since Jesus is happiness, repose, and joy, the more intimately we commune with Him, the happier we shall be.  

Saint Peter Julian Eymard from “The Real Presence: Eucharistic Meditations”

Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Author Sr. JosephMary f.t.i.

Our Lady found this unworthy lukewarm person and obtained for her the grace to enter the Third Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. May this person spend all eternity in showing her gratitude.

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