Juan Diego and the Conversion of Mexico – Dec 09 – Homily – Fr Matthias

By December 9, 2022December 10th, 2022Bloomington, IN, Fr. Matthias Sasko, Homily

Views 375


Fr Matthias gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Dec 09, 2022, on how Juan Diego was instrumental, working with Our Lady of Guadalupe, in the conversion of the Mexicans and how this put an end to many of the pagan evils practiced in that area. This conversion happened extremely fast compared with other European colonies.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Juan Diego - Opt Mem
Readings: Friday in the 2nd Week in Advent - http://usccb.org/bible/readings/120922.cfm
1st: isa 48:17-19
Resp: psa 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6
Gsp: mat 11:16-19

More on the Readings: https://airmaria.com/r?m=1211&r=1257

Also on Facebook: https://fb.watch/hj5vNYFCdr/
and YouTube: https://youtu.be/yNtKQYIkAuU
