St Andrew – Man of Valor – Nov 30 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Nov 30, 2022, on how St. Andrew the Apostles, whose feast it is today, was a man of valor as Pope Benedict described him and is the meaning of his name in Greek, describing his mission of being sent. Father describes his life:
Andrew brought Peter to Jesus
John 6: 8 - miraculous feeding of the thousands
John 12: 20 - Andrew was mediator with the Greeks
Andrew may have encouraged John to write his Gospel
Ministered to the Greeks centered in Constantinople, who especially venerate him.
Mark 1: 17
Mark 13: 4 in Jerusalem Andrew, when will this be?
Death Crucified but different from the lord, just as Peter asked on a diagonal cross, an X
Our crosses are of value if we unite them with Christ's cross
Ask Our Lady Queen of the Apostles to live up to the name of Christians.
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Andrew the Apostle - Feast
Readings: -
1st: rom 10:9-18
Resp: psa 19:2-5
Gsp: mat 4:18-22
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