Pray for the Living & the Dead: 7th Spiritual Work of Mercy – Nov 02 – Homily – Fr Terrance

By November 2, 2022November 6th, 2022Bloomington, IN, Fr. Terrance Chartier, Homily

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Nov 02, 2022, Commemoration of the Faithfully Departed, All Souls Day, Father completes his series on the spiritual works of mercy, and indeed on all fourteen works of mercy, with the admonition to pray for the living and the dead.

Pray for the living:

1 Thes 5: 17 - Pray constantly

1 Thes 5: 25 - Brothers pray for us -

Rom 8: 29 - Be conformed of Christ imitators of him -

1 Cor 11: 1 - be imitations of Paul as he is of Christ -

Jesus died and intercedes for us - rom 8: 34 -

Heb 7: 25 Christ lives to intercede for us -

Imitate Christ, who intercedes for us

Praying for others is appealing to God for what they need.

That they remain in grace, spiritual wellbeing

But also physical health

Our Lady's apparition asks us to pray for sinners for their conversion and repentance and grow in fervor and holiness.

Mary intercedes that they can imitate Jesus and herself.

"Please pray for me" is a good request that benefits both the one who prays and the one prayed for.

Pope Francis asks for prayers

Pray for problem people

Pray for the dead.

St Monica to St. Augustine, pray for me at the altar

St John Chrysostom  - Holy Job sanctifies others by his sacrifices

Book of 2 Maccabees 12: 46 - holy and wholesome to pray for the dead  -

Protestants deleted Maccabees and have neglected to pray for the dead

St Odillo was first to set aside a day for the deceased 998 AD feast of All Souls

Martyrology for today, Nov 2, pray for the dead

Priests can celebrate three masses on this day

Pray rosary or offer up sacrifice or indulgences we have earned at any time.

Plenary indulgence for visiting a grave on this day and Nov 1 to Nov 8

Partial indulgence at any time.

Prayers for them help them and enable them to help us.

Playlist, Works of Mercy, by Fr. Terrance on YouTube:

Works of Mercy: Introduction -

The seven corporal works of mercy:

1. Feed the hungry -
2. Give drink to the thirsty -
3. Clothe the naked -
4. Shelter the homeless -
5. Visit the sick -
6. Visit the imprisoned -
7. Bury the dead -

The seven spiritual works of mercy:

1. Counsel the doubtful - Pt 1 and Pt 2
2. Instruct the ignorant -
3. Admonish sinners -
4. Comfort the afflicted -
5. Forgive offenses - Pt 1 and Pt 2
6. Bear wrongs patiently -
7. Pray for the living and the dead -

Ave Maria!

Mass: All Souls - Mem
Readings:  -
1st: wis 3:1-9
Resp: psa 23:1-6
2nd: rom 5:5-11
Gsp: joh 6:37-40

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