Forgiving Offenses: 5th Spiritual Work of Mercy Pt2 – Oct 21 – Homily – Fr Terrance

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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN, on Oct 21, 2022, on part 2 of the 5th spiritual work of mercy, the duty to forgive the offense of others, as he continues his series on the works of mercy. Here he covers how we need to have hearts of forgiveness and what forgiveness is not, and thus clarifies what it is.


What forgiveness is not:

It is not denying an injustice just, it does not fulfill justice

Justice is not determined by what another person does but is a choice by us, the one who is forgiving, not a feeling but a choice

It is not about forgetting but letting go, every time the offense comes to mind, we release it to the Lord who has been merciful to us

Forgiveness is not about waiting, one must actively decide

Nat about being a doormat, or being weak rather strong  is our faith

It is not denying the hurt but facing it and bringing it to God, and giving it to him,

Not a natural response (hitting back), but it is a supernatural response that needs divine grace

Forgiveness is not reconciliation, which is much harder

Forgiveness only needs you, but reconciliation requires effort from both parties that requires building trust.

Matthew 6: 12 Forgive as you want God to forgive you, The Our Father  -

father forgive them luke 23: 34  -

Forgiveness transforms our lives in a good way, but it is costly in our sense of self-importance

But every cost directly improves our relationship with God

St Faustina mercy

Playlist, Works of Mercy, by Fr. Terrance on YouTube:

Works of Mercy: Introduction -

The seven corporal works of mercy:

1. Feed the hungry -
2. Give drink to the thirsty -
3. Clothe the naked -
4. Shelter the homeless -
5. Visit the sick -
6. Visit the imprisoned -
7. Bury the dead -

The seven spiritual works of mercy:

1. Counsel the doubtful - Pt 1 and Pt 2
2. Instruct the ignorant -
3. Admonish sinners -
4. Comfort the afflicted -
5. Forgive offenses - Pt 1 and Pt 2
6. Bear wrongs patiently -
7. Pray for the living and the dead -

Ave Maria!

Mass: Friday in the 29th Week in Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings:  -
1st: eph 4:1-6
Resp: psa 24:1-6
Gsp: luk 12:54-59

More on the Readings:

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