Sex in Marriage: 6th Commandment, Part 6 – Jun 18 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jun 18, 2022, on how the 6th Commandment relates to sex in marriage. He distinguishes the several types of love with the goal being agape. All others have their place but agape is first, selfless love.
JPII Gaudium et Spes
ccc 2360 Sex finds its home in Marriage, Sex outside of marriage is like being homeless
Paul VI Humanae Vitae Paragraph 11 - Observing the Natural Law - all relations should be oriented toward pro-creation
Sacramentality of relations in marriage
Paul Quay on Humanae Vitae
When reduced to mere pleasure it loses its purpose all forms of sex are permissible
Until death do us part, exclusivity, ultimate romance
Unitive and procreative.
Called to be co-creators with God which is related to being a co-redeemer with Christ.
The child is the fruit of mutual love.
What chastity means
two extremes to avoid, Refusing out of prudishness but also avoiding treating your spouse as an object
Avoid excess, use temperance
Avoid relations when it makes sense not to out of prudence
God promises a beautiful life but not necessarily an easy one
Ave Maria!
Mass: Saturday 11th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: 2ch 24:17-25
Resp: psa 89:4-5, 29-34
Gsp: mat 6:24-34
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