Bad Confessions: Getting Right with God – Mar 04 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Mar 04, 2022, on how to avoid making a bad confession and get right with God.
A humble and contrite heart, O Lord, you will not spurn.
4 ways of a confession would be bad.
1 - Not making an examination of conscience, not being prepared. Mostly a problem if we are dealing with mortal sin
2 - Intentialnally holding back a mortal sin. Will have the sins still on us and additional sin of
3 - Unintentionally not confessing all of our sins because we don't have a sense of what sin is, requires learning the moral doctrines of the church, ten commandments, and what they mean
4 - Not intending to avoid mortal sin in the future. No repentance = No forgiveness
Repentance is not in our feelings but in our will. Choosing to not do them again whether it feels good or not.
Determination, resolution, to avoid near occasion of sin, change of lifestyle.
Believe what the Church believes is faith and this involves how we live.
We should not receive communion if in mortal sin - first confession, then communion
Let us not take confession for granted.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Friday after Ash Wednesday - Wkdy
Readings: -
1st: isa 58:1-9
Resp: psa 51:3-4, 5-6, 18-19
Gsp: mat 9:14-15
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Hi Father Terrance! Thanks for hearing my confession this Saturday. I feel so much better now that I have gone to confession! You asked me where I got my pamphlet entitled, “A Detailed Examination of Conscience and Ignatius Examen.” I bought it from the website. ( under their prayer cards. They have outstanding prayer cards! It was so nice to meet you in person! I have listened to you before on ( You are a gifted priest! Best regards, Caroline ?