Feb 14 – St. Jane of Valois – Franciscan Saint of the Day
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The Life of St. Jane of Valois, Widow, Third Order (1464-1505) for the Franciscan Saint of the Day for Feb 14. St. Jane of Valois was born in France and was briefly the queen of France until the annulment of her marriage, she then went on to found two religious orders.
Reflection is on the Hail Mary
For more on St. Jane of Valois
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_of_France,_Duchess_of_Berry
- https://www.roman-catholic-saints.com/saint-jane-of-valois.html
- https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=686
Also on Youtube: https://youtu.be/vrt18tJFfSY
Read by Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, FI from Marion Habig's 'The Franciscan Book of Saints' Revised Edition, Franciscan Herald Press, ISBN: 978-0819907516
Playlist of Franciscan Saints: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TxcAETrU_k&list=PLejh_e0-LN4wErRczZGry4TXytCZFiLCm
Ave Maria!