Ave Maria Meditations
Jesus, eternal high Priest, divine Sanctifier, You who in an unspeakable burst of love for men who are Your brothers caused the Christian priesthood to spring forth from Your Sacred Heart: vouchsafe to pour upon Your priests continual living streams of infinite love.
Live in them, transform them into Yourself. Make them by Your Grace to be fit instruments of Your mercy. Act in them and through them and grant that they may become wholly one with You by their faithful imitation of Your virtues. And in Your Name and by the strength of Your spirit, may they do the works which You accomplished for the salvation of the world.
Return to us in the person of Your priest. Truly live in them. Act through them and so pass once more through the world teaching, forgiving, comforting, sacrificing, and renewing the sacred bonds of love between the Heart of God and the heart of man. Amen.