Dec 8 – S. of God Beatrice Raineri – Franciscan Saint of the Day
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The Life of S. of God Beatrice Raineri, Virgin, Second Order (d. 1509) for the Franciscan Saint of the Day for Dec 8. Beatrice was a queen whose kingdom was taken over by the Turks but she escaped and entered the Poor Clares at Venice where she excelled at charity and deep prayer being blessed by apparitions from Mary.
Reflection is on the Immaculate Conception and how Jesus saved his mother from being tainted by original sin.
The basis is in the divine maternity and he preserved her from all stain of sin.
Heaven is not found on earth but the new dawn is foretold by Mary's Immaculate Conception.
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Read by Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, FI from Marion Habig's 'The Franciscan Book of Saints' Revised Edition, Franciscan Herald Press, ISBN: 978-0819907516
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