7th Beatitude – Nov 29 – Homily – Fr Terrance
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Fr Terrance gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Nov 29, 2021, where he continues his series on the Beatitudes and here covers the 7th Beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers" and how it is easy to be for peace but hard to make peace.
Jewish word is Shalom which is to make peace with God, holiness, which comes from Christ who breaks down the wall of hostility that was created by original sin.
Peacemakers will be called sons of God
Involves peace with ourselves, not pulled every which way by passions, disorders, vices, self-condemnation, negative talk about ourselves.
Must spend time eradicating negative thoughts and vices, and ask God to help in this.
The kingdom of God is within us. But we must keep this clean and ask God to help with this.
Peace with our neighbors as well. Reconciling those at odds
Share the gospel with others and be at peace with each other and with God.
Peace of Christ is not the peace of the world but is the presence of Christ
Devil is the god of strife and war
Sometimes war is necessary so not advocating pacifism, must discern carefully when war is necessary
main weapons of peace are spiritual.
Ave Maria!
Mass: All Saints of the Franciscan Ord. - Capuchin Site - Feast
1st: sir 44:1, 10-15
Resp: psa 24:1-6
Gsp: mar 10:17-21
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