Ave Maria Meditations
A single drop of the Blood of Jesus, the God-Man, would have sufficed to save us for everything in Him is of infinite value. But besides many other reasons, it was to manifest to us the extent of His love that He shed His Blood to the last drop when His Sacred Heart was pierced. And it was for all of us that He shared it. Each one can repeat in all truth the burning words of Saint Paul: He loved me and delivered Himself for me.
Let us implore Him to draw us to His Sacred Heart by the virtue of His death upon the Cross; to grant that we may die to our self-love and our self will, the sources of so many infidelities and sins and that we may live for Him who died for us. Since it is to His death that we owe the life of our souls, is it not just that we should live only for Him?
O Father, glorify Thy Son hanging up on the gibbet. Since He humbled Himself even to the death of the Cross, exalt Him. May the Name that Thou hast given Him be glorified, may every knee bow before Him, and every tongue confess that Thy Son, Jesus, lives henceforth in Thy eternal glory!
Blessed Columba Marmion