Death and Judgement – Fr. Matthias – 2021 Lent Reflections – CONF 547

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Ave Maria!

Fr. Matthias Sasko, FI, gives the 3rd of six talks for the 2021 Lenten Reflections at Our Lady's Chapel in New Bedford, Massachusetts titled "What Will Heaven be Like?" where, in this session, he explains Death and Judgement.

00:00 - Intro
01:55 - Review of Last Session
06:29 - Death - "Now and at the hour of our death."
08:15 - Eternal Wedding Banquet or Divorce
09:37 - Analogy - Marriage Ratified and Consummated - Living Grace,
- - - - - - Living faith in grace = Ratified
- - - - - - Living Vision in Glory = Consummated
11:38 - What is Death? Separation
- - - - - - Soul separates from body = natural death
- - - - - - Grace from soul = supernatural death
- - - - - - Second Death Apocalypse 20: 6-14, St Francis
16:08 - State of the Soul after Death - no body - immediate judgement
- - - - - - We will have Identity, Desires, Mental actions
19:34 - Reincarnation is not possible
22:52 - Individual Judgment - by Christ, Immediate
- - - - - - no vision of God yet
25:29 - Three ellements of judgement
- - - - - - 1. The "trial"
- - - - - - 2. Pronouncement of Sentence
- - - - - - 3. Execution of Sentence - Immediately - Mary's role
35:31 - Final Judgement - First Judgement made Public
- - - - - - World, Time ends: New Heaven, Earth Ap 21: 1
39:54 - Final Perseverance
41:11 - How to prepare for death
42:02 - To die well, Live well
45:39 - Prayer, Devotion to Our Lady, and Sacraments
48:24 - Pray for us at now, and at the Hour of our death
49:28 - QA
50:22 - Would we die if Adam & Eve had not sinned?
53:20 - Is the Soul Immortal?
54:09 - What will be the role of St Francis for dying Franciscans
55:26 - Can we pursue our hobbies in Heaven? How will God fulfill all our desires?
59:23 - When does a soul leave a body? Brain death
01:06:07 - Does a person get another chance to merit for grace after death?
01:07:09 - What are Near-Death Experiences?


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