Divine Mercy in Action #3 of 4 – Fr. Josemaria – Mercy Retreat 2020 – CONF 528
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Josemaria gives the third of four talks on the Divine Mercy to the Evansville Men's retreat at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center where he covers the Divine Mercy in Action.
0:20 - Receiving and giving,
central parable of the Prodigal Son, begins with God,
2:45 – Receiving: actual grace, sanctifying grace is stable,
Actual grace is Transient, lead to sanctifying grace, preserve, increase
Events, hearing, reading,
Same with mercy
5:42 - Mercy is not weakness, become higher in dignity
7:09 - Giving: Called to practice mercy to others, empathy,
Definition of mercy: the compassion in our hearts for another’s misery, effective and affective
Diary 742
10:12 = Three ways to give mercy: Deed, Word, Prayer
Unique order, seems reversed. Mercy is heart and hand.
Also seen in Church’s Seven corporal works of Mercy all deeds
Seven spiritual works word and deeds and prayer.
Giving Mercy is prooving our love of God we have received and is personal,
16:08 Who is my Neighbor? Parable of the Good Samaritan, revolutionary, closest first, always and everywhere.
Diary 1317
Importance of praying for everyone especially if not possible to do other things.
Mercy will be received to the extent we give.
21:30 - Parable of the last judgment “You did it to me”
Love of Neighbor is Love of God
23:23 – Giving to Beggars - Mercy requires right reason and objective good
27:45 – Purifying all our actions and all our intentions John Paul II
Don’t put ourselves on a pedestal by giving we are showing that we are the needy ones.
Nature and grace – grace builds on nature, acts become virtuous and pleasing to God
Become like God
34:54 – Diary 484 - Do acts of mercy for the love of God. Everything can be done for this motive.
St Maximillian - “Success” is not the measure, numbers of conversions etc. but right intension. And, in turn, this is the best way to achieve success.
These talks were from a retreat for the Evansville Men's Group on "Experiencing God's Mercy through the Visions of St. Faustina" January 10-12, 2020, at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center. Four talks covered the mystery of God’s mercy, divine mercy in my soul, divine mercy in action, and the spirituality of divine mercy.
For more talks from this event: https://airmaria.com/tag/fr-josemaria-divine-mercy-retreat-2020/
YouTube Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv7SQeWHNYA&list=PLejh_e0-LN4xHrnvlOxlguLPufD7vqDQA
Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center: https://www.maryschildren.com/
Buy the Diary: https://www.catholiccompany.com/diary-saint-maria-faustina-kowalska-divine-mercy-my-soul-i8063/
Online Diary: https://www.faustyna.pl/zmbm/en/diary-full-text/