Pro-life: Abby Johnson’s Journey Cont. – 2/3 – Sidewalk Counselors’ Retreat 2019 – CONF 518
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Ave Maria!
Fr. Ignatius Manfredonia, FI gives the second talk of 3 for the Sidewalk Counselors' Retreat 2019 which continues his talk on Abby Johnson's Journey where he left off. Here is the complete outline:
Previous video:
Abby Johnson’s Journey
- 1) Mortal (formal) Sin
- 2) Rejecting Conscience
This video starts here:
- 3) Intellect Darkened
- 4) Abyss calls to Abyss
- 5) Satanic Secrets
- 6) Grace Intervenes
- 7) Lessons from Abby
- Learn tactics
- Presence makes a difference
- Don’t be radical (Graphics, Murderer, not helpful)
- Be kind talk to them
- Teach chastity
- Tell mothers they are mothers
- What would have moved her What would your mother think
- Need to pray and sacrifice
- Patience and perseverance through discouragements
- Conversions are the fruit of years of sacrifice
- Keep in mind that it works
This retreat was held a the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center for the spiritual renewal and encouragement of pro-life sidewalk counselors on December 14, 2019.
For more videos from this retreat:
YouTube Playlist: