Narrow Gate Now: “Jesus & Mary Option” – Oct 30 – Homily – Fr Alan

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In the homily for Wednesday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time (Oct 30, 2019), Fr. Alan comments on "the narrow gate" of which Our Lord speaks in today's Gospel. Father suggests that our hope for a return to order passes through the pillars of traditional Catholic belief in the Eucharist and Our Lady's maternal mediation.

Father suggests that the narrow gate, which leads to not only individual salvation but stability for the Church, was indicated for our age in St. John Bosco's prophetic dream. Captioning the dream with the term "Jesus and Mary Option," Father suggests that veering from the principle of "continuity" and deviating from traditional Catholic doctrine and religious expression could lead to a path that misses the narrow gate.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Wednesday 30th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy

1st: Rom 8:26-30
Resp: Ps 13:4-5, 6
Gsp: Lk 13:22-30

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