Cross, Door to Life: Francis’ Stigmata – Sep 17 – Homily – Fr Andre
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In the homily for the Franciscan Feast of the Stigmatization of Holy Father Francis (Sep 17, 2019), Fr. Andre relates the facts and meaning of the mystical crucifixion of St. Francis, by which Francis received the stigmata of Christ, the first saint history records as being thus conformed to Christ in the flesh.
St. Paul confessed a life of crucifixion and resurrection in Christ. The cross is given to us as a means of attaining life, by dying to self and "crucifying" the unruly passions of the flesh, so that the spirit might follow Christ and not self and the world.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Stigmata of St. Francis - Feast
1st: Gal 6:14-18
Resp: Gal 2:16, 20
Gsp: Lk 9:23-26
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