Immodest Dress: “It is your duty to give it up.”— Pope Ven. Pius XII – Aug 27 – Homily – Fr Andre
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On the memorial of St. Monica (mother of St. Augustine, Aug. 27), Fr. Andre explains the Gospel reading, relating it to parents' responsibility to counteract a grave moral problem of our day: the uncritical acceptance of immodesty and sexual impurity.
Father shows how Jesus’ critique of the Jewish religious authorities compares to a current exploitation of moral authority today: the temptation to impose false values and priorities, rather than convey the values desired by God. Offering concrete guidelines, Father cites Ven. Pius XII’s authoritative teaching on the grave responsibility to observe modesty in dress*, a teaching that today is not being passed on to youth.
* From a speech given to the Catholic Young Women’s Group in Italy 17 July 1954, cited in the article “An Open Letter to Catholic Women” (
Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Monica - Mem
Readings: Tuesday 21st Week of Ordinary Time
1st: 1 Th 2:1-8
Resp: Ps 139:1-3, 4-5
Gsp: Mt 23:23-26
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