Mark of the Beast, Weeds Among Wheat – Jul 30 – Homily – Fr Andre

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In the homily on today’s Gospel, Fr. Andre relates the parable of the weeds (darnel) sown among the wheat to the end times imagery contained in the Book of Revelation. Those with the "mark of the Beast" can be likened to the darnel mingled with good seed, and both images serve as a metaphor for the situation of apostasy in our own day.

As good wheat in the field of the Lord’s harvest, we are called to reveal the sign of the cross, with the help of Our Blessed Lady, Spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Peter Chrysologus - Opt Mem

Readings: Tuesday 17th Week of Ordinary Time
1st: Ex 33:7-11, 34:5-9, 28
Resp: Ps 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13
Gsp: Mt: 13:36-43

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