Only the Innocent May Rightly Condemn – Apr 08 – Homily – Fr Martin
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In the homily for Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent (Apr 08), Fr. Martin comments on the optional Gospel reading, the episode of the Woman Caught in Adultery, explaining the “horned argument” presented by the Pharisees to trap. This cunning strategy is still used today against the Church by the worldly opponents of Christ’s Gospel. Father shows how Jesus wisely avoided their trap while using the moment as a teaching opportunity. Jesus deflects the condemnation they sought to apply to the woman while disarming his enemies by showing them their own ill will. Father explains how this event in the life of Jesus is symbolic also of how the world seeks to undermine and condemn the Church.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday 5th Week of Lent - Wkdy
1st: Dan 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62
Resp: Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6
Gsp: John 8:1-11
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