The Charity of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr – Jan 21 – Homily – Fr Alan

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In the homily for the memorial of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr (Jan 21), Fr. Alan explains how the death of the virgin Agnes, described by St. Ambrose as “one victim, but a twin martyrdom, to modesty and to religion,” illustrates the Christian vocation to bear witness to God, by example and by confession. Agnes’ heroic fidelity constitutes the highest charity toward God and neighbor.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Agnes - Mem


1st: 1 Cor 1:26-31
Resp: Ps 23:1-3, 4, 5, 6
Gsp: Mt 13:44-46

More on the Readings:

For Catechism section on The Eighth Commandment and the obligation to bear witness to the truth in word and deed:

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