Video – Coredemption Q & A (First) – CONF 456
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Ave Maria!
The panel of speakers give answers to question at the Marian Coredemption symposium at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, WI in 2018. The panel consisted of Fr. Dwight Campbell, Fr. Elias Mills, FI, Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins. Questions asked are:
0:58 - Was there any petition sponsored by a bishops conference for the proclamation of the Coredemption? Answers by Fr. Campbell, Msgr. Calkins,
3:29 - Will the Franciscans play a role in the proclamation of Mary Coredeemer as a Dogma? Fr. Elias answers referring to St Francis who called Mary the Virgin Made Church as well as the work of St. Bonaventure and St. Maximilian Kolbe and the future duties of the Franciscans to complete the picture of the titles of Mary.
9:47 - What is essential for getting the proclamation of the dogma rolling? - Fr. Elias answers that it involves getting more people to talk about the coredemption and make it apart of their devotional life and pray many rosaries. This will lead to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the era of peace. Fr. Campbell exhorts us to do the five First Saturdays devotion that Our Lady of Fatima gave.
18:58 - Can we substitute medal in replacement for the cloth scapular? Fr. Elias answers
21:40 - Is the Nativity Movie okay to watch and what do we say to those who don't see a problem with this? Msgr. Calkins answers.
For more talks from this conference:
This two day Marian Symposium was called "Mary Coredemptrix: Relevance and Remedy for Our Time" and was held at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, La Crosse, WI, October 12-13, 2018 on how Mary is the the Co-redeemer with Christ in that, although the redemption fully depended on Christ, Mary played a unique role.
It was sponsored by the Franciscans of the Immaculate -
in conjunction with Dr. Mark Miravalle -
and the International Marian Association -
For more on the shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe: