Vote the Faith, an Offer You Can (but Shouldn’t) Refuse – Nov 06 – Homily – Fr Alan

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In the homily for Election Day (Nov 06, Tuesday in the 31st Week in Ordinary Time), Fr. Alan reminds us that we have a responsibility to vote faithfully, in the light of Catholic principles. This duty relates to today’s Gospel in that we can choose to correspond with God’s grace, or we can decline. In any case, our choices will be measured against the Divine Will. Nothing compares to the offer God the Father makes us, but unlike the offer of “the Godfather” in the movies, God the Father's is an offer we CAN (but shouldn't) refuse.

In the parable of those invited to the banquet who decline to come when called, we have a warning of the danger of not corresponding with God’s grace, of preferring our own will to His: “none of those men ... will taste My dinner.”

Ave Maria!

Mass: Tuesday in the 31st Week in Ordinary Time - Wkdy

1st: Phil 2:5-11
Resp: Ps 22:26-27, 28-30, 31-32
Gsp: Lk 14:15-24

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