St. Lawrence of Brindisi – Jul 21 – Homily – Fr Ignatius (2018)

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Fr Ignatius gives the homily at Bloomington, IN on Jul 21 on the life of St. Lawrence of Brindisi a Franciscan and Doctor of the Church, who was given may graces from his youth to reconcile men with God and to bring peace among men as did so. In this way he gives a great example of the parable in today's Gospel of the Sower, that he was the good soil that produced a hundred fold.

Ave Maria!

Mass: St. Lawrence of Brindisi - Feast
1st: 2co 4:1-2, 5-7
Resp: psa 40:2 and 4ab, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11 0
Gsp: mar 4:1-10, 13-20

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