Video – Raymond de Souza – St. Louis de Montfort & Coredemption – Greenwood 2007 – CONF 1
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Ave Maria!
In honor of Fr. Peter Fehlner who passed away on May 8, 2018 we repost in full quality the talks for this conference from ten years ago that he was instrumental in organizing.
At the Behold Your Mother Marian Conference at Our Lady of the Greenwood in Indiana in 2007, Raymond de Souza gives the first talk on St. Louis de Montfort and his masterpiece "True Devotion to Mary" and how it relates to the fifth Marian dogma of Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate.
For other talks from the Conference:
For other Fatima related Conferences:
100th Anniversary of Fatima (May & Oct):
Short excerpts from the May 2017 event:
This post supersedes this earlier version.