Video – Panel Discussion – Greenwood 2007 – CONF 6

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Ave Maria!

As part of the tribute to Fr. Peter who passed away on May 8th, 2018 we repost this conference in its full quality (which still was not very high in 2007)

At the Behold Your Mother Marian Conference at Our Lady of the Greenwood in Indiana in 2007, Scott Hahn, Fr. Peter Fehlner, Raymond de Souza and Dr. Mark Miravalle join a Panel Discussion with Dana Scallon as the MC on the possible definition of the 5th Marian Dogma, answering specific questions submitted by the audience. The first Question is hard to follow because of audio problems but these get resolved quickly and the speakers handle all this so gracefully:

00:30 - Mary as the fifth mark of the the Church, Fr. Peter answers that Mary Mediatrix relates to the other four marks of the Church especially the Pope.

06:08 - How is Mary Advocate when the Holy Spirit is Advocate? Dr. Miravalle answers with the principle of analogy and how all of us are called to be mediators and advocates.

08:45 - Is Catholic objection to 5th Dogma based on fear of having to defend it to Protestants and others? Scott Hahn answers that it is easy to defend what is clearly and unambiguously taught.

12:26 - How is Marian Coredemption distinguished from and does not impinge on the ordained priesthood? - Fr. Peter answers that their similarity is based on the joint predestination of Christ and Mary but they are distinct in the roles that each participates in and this without diminishing the role and importance of the other. He relates this to total consecration of ourselves to Mary. Scott Hahn, priest is father in the Church and Mary is Mother so each are distinct. Mark Miravalle, Mary was never ordained. Raymond de Souza, distinction is sacrificial role of priests.

20:15 - How is Mary's Perpetual Virginity consistent with Catholic openness to life? - Raymond de Souza, there is no inconsistency because openess to life does not exclude those called to a special life of consecration like priesthood. Mark Miravalle, looking at her three part virginity, she is fruitful. Scott Hahn, her yes is inherently motherly, fruitfully mothering everyone. Fr. Peter adds, John Duns Scotus' agrees, virginal motherhood is the more perfect kind.

28:32 - Is the Coredemptrix biblical? - Scott Hahn, need to read the Bible in context of the magisterium and not by what is stressed quantitatively. Mark Miravalle, Mary kept a low profile to avoid being mistaken as a goddess. Raymond de Souza St. Louis de Montfort there will be a great Marian age, so different focus for different times. Fr. Peter St Bonaventure Mary is on every page, Mary of Agreda, Mary wants us to learn to love Jesus as she did.

35:39 - Why does Jesus call Mary "Woman" at wedding feast? - Scot Hahn, he is evoking Genesis, capturing her role as divine Daughter, Spouse and Mother. So he is ushering in New Covenant with Mary participating. Mark Miravalle, the woman is used throughout the Bible and connects Mary to all of these. Raymond de Souza some languages use "Woman" for mother or wife.  Fr. Peter puts a metaphysical spin on it by saying Mary is "woman" and includes and invites all women to participate in her role.

For other talks from the Conference:

For other Fatima related Conferences:

100th Anniversary of Fatima (May & Oct):

To see short excerpts from the May 2017 event:

This post supersedes this earlier version.


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