Fr. Peter – The Marian Issue in the Church – Greenwood 2007 – CONF 7
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Ave Maria!
As part of the tribute to Fr. Peter who passed away on May 8th, 2018 we repost this conference in its full quality (which still was not very high in 2007)
Fr. Peter gives the last presentation at the Behold Your Mother Marian Conference receiving a standing ovation. The title of his talk is Mariae Advocatae Causa: The Marian Issue in the Church Today. He discusses with his usual exuberance why the Marian titles of Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate are central to the Church today. Come listen as Fr. Peter connects these doctrines to a wide number of concerns for the Church.
For other talks from the Conference:
For other Fatima related Conferences:
100th Anniversary of Fatima (May & Oct):
To see short excerpts from the May 2017 event:
This post supersedes this earlier version.