Jul 05 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Exorcism and the Need for Holiness
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Fr. Ignatius on the exorcism in the Gospel in Gadarenes near the Sea of Galilee. He underscores the current high activity of demons today and the great need for exorcists to cure possession, but also the need for all of us to be holy as the chief means of prevention.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Wednesday 13th Week of Ordinary Time - Wkdy
1st: gen 21:5, 8-20
Resp: psa 34:7-8, 10-11, 12-13 0
Gsp: mat 8:28-34
I am from Brazil. What diocese is that Brazilian priest from?? What state or region of Brazil is that Brazilian priest from?
Here in Brazil the most of priest and bishops know almost nothing about exorcisms and demonic fenomena. There are a huge rationalism and skepticism among the clergy.?
I am from Brazil. The Brazilian faithfull situation concerning to pastoral help of exorcists is the worst possible. Founding an exorcist in Brazil is an thankless task. There are really really few exorcists in Brazil. About 4 years ago, an report about the issue said that there were 30 exorcists in Brazil. But that number is not acurate. Actually the number of exorcists in Brazil is much much more little. This year the CNBB (The Brazilian Conference of Bishops) has realesead a book on the pastoral help of exorcist, but the book is full of psychologism and racionalisms.