Mar 12 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Journey From Tabor to Calvary
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The Second Sunday of Lent is called Transfiguration Sunday because the Gospel reading is the account of this mystery. But why have this at beginning of Lent? It is a great source of help to keep us generous this Lent and it prepares us for what follows: the journey to Calvary.
From the Transfiguration on he pressed onward to Calvary, longing to lay down his life for our salvation. But the disciples were not so eager. They lagged behind, even resisted, but Jesus wouldn't tolerate obstacles, and in the end, this glimpse of his glory would increase their faith in him.
The Byzantine liturgy for the Transfiguration tells us that Jesus showed the disciples his glory so that when they saw him crucified, they would know that it was voluntary and part of the spiritual journey he had been called to.
We too have a calling that involves the cross. We were not made for a life of comfort and pleasure, but for love and greatness. And a journey into love is nourished by sacrifice.
This journey requires a lot of energy, but no ordinary food will do. Rather, we need food for body and soul, that is, the Eucharist. Father points out some Eucharistic highlights in this Gospel. Peter says: "It is good for us to be here," and is it not good for us to be here with Jesus present in the Eucharist? Peter also suggests making tabernacles, that is, setting up camp on Mt Tabor. While that was not to be, Jesus has 'tabernacled' in our churches; however, we are Jesus' favorite tabernacles.
We are called to journey from Tabor to Calvary and to the eternal Easter of Heaven. Jesus Eucharistic is the food for this journey.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Sunday 2nd Week of Lent - Sunday
1st: gen 12:1-4
Resp: psa 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22
2nd: 2ti 1:8-10
Gsp: mat 17:1-9