Mar 05 – Homily – Fr Dominic: Be A Fighter

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Today's theme is temptation, and we have an example of Jesus fighting temptation and Eve given in to it. Temptation has three steps - external tempting, internal delight, and consent. Jesus fought it off when it was still external, but Eve internalized and then consented to the temptation. We will face temptation all our life long, and we must be strong and fight it off while it is still external to us. But the motive for fighting is not a list of rules; rather, it is the preservation of a loving relationship with God expressed by obedience to His will. While the world tells us that obedience is bad, it is disobedience that ruins everything. Disobedience to God is obedience to the Devil. Rather, we need to fight evil, especially our own inclination to evil. Evil is on the offensive, we don't get to choose to be in the fight or not, it is fight or die. Do we try to make friends with the world? Or are we willing to speak lovingly and firmly the truth, for we need to fight that other may not give into temptation as well. After the Babylonian exile, the Jews returned to rebuild the temple and the walls of Jerusalem, but because of their enemies, they built with a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other. Likewise, we must build, but be prepared to fight off those who seek to tear down what we are building. May we take courage from men like these and women like St. Joan of Ark, and be a fighter this Lent.

Ave Maria!

Mass: Sunday 1st Week of Lent - Sunday
1st: gen 2:7-9, 3:1-7
Resp: psa 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17
2nd: rom 5:12-19
Gsp: mat 4:1-11
