Mar 04 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Not the Healthy but the Sick
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Jesus came not to heal the healthy, but to sick; not to call the righteous, but sinners. These consoling words from today's Gospel reading apply to us who are deathly sick and great sinners. The humble recognition of this truth is the precondition to be forgiven and healed. Indeed, authentic sanctity is never found apart from an awareness of one's wretchedness and sinfulness, and the saints were most aware of this. These words should move us to come to Jesus in humility and contrition. Indeed, what vexes Jesus is not our sins in themselves, but our unwillingness to acknowledge them and to bring them to Him. And we come to Him for healing primarily in the Sacrament of Confession, the place of healing above anywhere else. Our need for a healer and a savior is a truth that sets us free. Let us not pretend that we are holy already, but let us renew our awareness of our misery this Lent and share this truth with other sinners, inviting them to open their hearts to Jesus' mercy.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Saturday after Ash Wednesday - Wkdy
1st: isa 58:9-14
Resp: psa 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 0
Gsp: luk 5:27-32
Thank you Father for these touching and helpful words.