Video – Card. Arinze – Go Out to All the World – CONF 365
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Ave Maria!
Cardinal Arinze gives a talk on the role of the laity in the work of evangelization that he titles "Go Out to all the World
and tell the Good News! The Lay Apostolate in our Day" at the Mother of the Redeemer Retreat Center in Bloomington, Indiana in November 2016.
- Vatican II - Apostolicam Actuositatem (Apostolate of the Laity) - - Paragraph 2
- Different roles of priests, religious and laity that form the team which is the Church
- What is the lay persons distinctive role included in Baptism?
- Gives grace and right to worship and mission. They should know their role so that the team works together with clerics
- 8:00
- Lay people are the vast majority of the Church
- Evangelize where they are working in secular affairs
- Help with Clerics with there expertise and many hands, but this is not the height of the lay apostolate
- 12:00
- Specifically called to the evangelization of the secular order
- Bring spirit of Christ into the every day life, Christianization of temporal order
- Government, medicine, mechanics, transport, manufacturing, finance, fathers and mothers
- Gaudiem et Spes 43
- Paul VI - Evangelii Nuntiandi (Announcing the Gospel) -
- John Paul II - Christifideles Laici (The Laity of Christ's Faithful People) -
- Benedict XVI - Deus Caritas Est (God is love) -
- 16:00
- Not just helping the priest but has there own share, there own realm that is very important
- Faith is under attack
- Especially because family is under attack and will be saved by lay people who are more involved in this
- Should not give up on politics must be active as well as pray
- Jesus, Judas and Peter, Peter was sleeping and Judas was very busy
- We must stay awake and be active!
- Lay people are often more listened to since they are involved and not considered so different as are clerics
- Often bishops feel threatened by the lay people but they are not in competition, one body
- 20:00
- Good leader is not afraid of other leaders
- Common problem is poor ecclesiology, think Bishops and priest are really the Church
- Problem for priests who try to run everything not relying on lay people who are often very much experts in their field
- Lay people too need to have good ecclesiology and theology to know their place and how they are needed
- Should not be at odds with clergy, work with them and work in the world as leaders
- 28:00
- Can not be "à la carte" or "cafeteria" Catholic who say "I am Catholic but ...", rather "I am Catholic, therefore ..."
- Vatican II - Gaudiem et Spes 43 Church in the world of today -
- GS 43 "What the Church offers human activity through its members"
- Have duty to spread the faith among common people
- 31:00
- Church not just for Sunday
- Must be active as Christians on Monday
- Christians who neglects his secular, temporal duties jeopardizes his salvation, must have unity between citizenship of Church and society
- Religion should unite all of our activities
- 36:00
- Secular is spouse parenting, politics, finance, manufacturing, etc.
- Will try to be proficient
- For guidance and spiritual sustenance turn to priest
- But up to lay people to take on role in the world
- Develop well formed conscience
- 39:00
- Book "The Lay Person's Distinctive Role" by Cardinal Arinze
- Holiness means living christian life in ones vocation whether parent or priest.
- 42:00
- Parents of St. Therese canonized
- Many examples of lay people becoming saints even secular leaders: President of Tanzania, St. Louis of France
- Be ye perfect

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