Feb 19 – Homily – Fr Jacinto: Conquer Evil with Good
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The Gospel reading today presents Jesus' teachings on loving one's enemies. This is not natural, but supernatural; not human, but divine. As such, it is the sign of the true Christian, one who loves with the love of God, not of man. We, Catholics, do have many enemies today, but we cannot hate them. Rather, we must love them, not because they are our brothers, but so that they may be so. In this way we imitate Christ who loved us and died for us while we were still his enemies. The world and our nation are torn by division and hatred, only the love and mercy of Christians can squelch this. Let us follow the words of Scripture: Do not repay anyone evil for evil... be not conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sunday
1st: lev 19:1-2, 17-18
Resp: psa 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13
2nd: 1co 3:16-23
Gsp: mat 5:38-48