Video – Card. Burke – Sacred Heart – 4/8 – CONF 294
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Conferences #294 - (

Ave Maria!
Cardinal Raymond Burke gives the fourth reflection for the 2015 Priests' Retreat themed "Holy Priesthood: Sacrament of Christ's Pastoral Charity". This talk is on the Sacred Heart and The Preisthood. Topics covered include:
- Devotion to sacred heart flows from the Eucharist
- Card. Burke's own experience with devotion to the Sacred Heart
- Draws all other devotion together for a priest
- Pius XI 1928 Sacred Heart Miserentissimus Redemptor
- Keeps priests focused on Christ and his sacraments
- Avoids seeing priesthood as job but rather as an identity of shepherd
- Consecration of whole self to High Priest
- Benedict XVI letter to seminarians 2010
- Keeps sacraments and liturgy focused on Christ
- Post Vatican II reform lost focused on sacred heart encounter with Christ
- Benedict XVI letter to seminarians 2010
- Holy Hour in front of Eucharist
- Can hear words of Jesus to Martha Luke 10:41 you are anxious and troubled of many things only one is needed.
- Fulton Sheen a Priest is not His own
- Holy hour is a private protracted audience
- Mother Louise Margaret Claret de la Touche - Sacred Heart and the Priesthood
- Locutions Jesus calls his priests to his heart during troubled times
- Ocean of divine love come forth from it with renewed ardor
- Can hear words of Jesus to Martha Luke 10:41 you are anxious and troubled of many things only one is needed.
- Helps with maintaining priestly religious discipline and duty
- Teaching office of the priest related to sacred heart combining pastoral charity and loving truth
- Challenge during time of many errors hard to stand up and say what is right
- Paul, preaching is first duty
- In the heart of Jesus find strength to do this in these difficult times
- Courage to die for all as Jesus did
- Despite many negative, discouraging reactions
- Sacred Heart and Celibacy
- helps embrace celibate love according to the Sacred Heart of Christ
- To love the flock in chastity in the footsteps of Christ
- John Paul II Celibacy Pastoris dabo Vobis
- Singular sharing in God's Fatherhood
- Eschatological Kingdom
- Helps with patience, perseverance
- become gentle and lowly of heart and so give rest of oneself to others
- Immaculate Heart
- John 2:5 "Do what ever he tells you."
- Divine mercy and love in Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart
- St. Paul to Colossians 1:24 "Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking* in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church,"
- John 2:5 "Do what ever he tells you."
