Video – Card. Burke – 2015 Priests Retreat – Eucharist, Heart and Mission of Priest – 3/8 – CONF 293
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Conferences #293 - (

Ave Maria!
Cardinal Raymond Burke gives the third reflection for the 2015 Priests' Retreat themed "Holy Priesthood: Sacrament of Christ's Pastoral Charity". This talk is on how the Eucharist is the Heart and Mission. Topics covered include:
- Eucharistic Wonder and the Priesthood
- Pope John Paul II amazement and gratitude that should fill the mind of faithful and priests
- Jesus words "I thirst" should be echoed by priest for salvation of souls.
- John Paul II - Ecclesia de Eucharistia Life of Church Foundation and well spring in sacred Triduum which is fully contained in the Eucharistic mystery
- Apostolic origin of the Priesthood
- links Eucharist to Christ's sacrifice Calvary
- Enables Christ to be present to all the flock via the Mass
- Error of saying lack of vocations rather lack of fostering vocations
- Cannot do the Mass without priests
- Dominicae Cenae John Paul II
- Last letter to priests
- Eucharist is the center of the priesthood
- Hermeneutic of Continuity and the loss of Eucharistic adoration
- Post Vatican II Eucharistic bread not for looking at but rather to eat it.
- False dichotomy, should adore before eating
- Benedict XVI Christmas 2005 Adoration outside mass augments liturgy
- receiving is adoring the one we receive
- Middle ages was very consistent with its adoration
- Social mission is spawned in the Eucharist, breaking down of barrier
- Letter to seminarians 2010 Benedict XVI year of priests Adoration key to fostering relationship to Christ who priests need to be.
- Prayer, scripture, Eucharist, key elements of relationship with God
- Lords Prayer Daily bread is the Eucharistic
- Sacrementun Charitatum Benedict XVI
- Eucharist helps in fighting secularization with realization that Jesus is real and changes life.
- Gift and Mystery, JPII, Eucharist key to effective ministry.
- Today we are thirsting for Christ. This comes from Priests only. Preaching gospel but also giving Christ in person in the Eucharist.
- Priests own devotion to Eucharist safeguards his calling
- Eucharistic encyclical last of JPII
- shadows, abandonment of devotions, ambiguous teaching on Eucharist
- Columba Marmion to Diocesan Priest Christ the ideal of the priest
- Communion is union with Christ.
- Union requires humility love of God and man. Obstacles are self love
- key is to regret our failings and wretchedness, repent.
- Jesus will help us take care of the rest, give us what we lack.
- He will also give the example.
- He gave himself for his bride the Church.
- Things that block preparation for Mass
- press of priestly activity
- Preparation before hand Thanksgiving afterward
- If busy with events after mass then do thanksgiving afterward
- Marmion love God and trust in him relying on his graces.
