Video – Variety #267: Fra Solanus talks about A Holy Jesuit of 20th Century Ireland – Fr. John Sullivan, S.J.

By June 16, 2015March 2nd, 2016Mission Down Under, The History Program, Variety

Views 1847

Variety #267 - Fra Solanus talks about A Holy Jesuit of 20th Century Ireland - Fr. John Sullivan, S.J. ( 26min) >>> Play

Ave Maria!

Fra Solanus gives us a short account of the life and works of Fr. John Sullivan, S.J. (1861-1933), who was recently declared Venerable by Pope Francis. Fr. Sullivan, born in Dublin, was a convert to the Faith. He was a saintly priest and was well-known, especially in County Kildare, for his gifts of healing and prophecy. You can visit his tomb in the Jesuit Church in Gardiner St., Dublin.

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Fra Cyprian

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