Dec 01 – Homily – Fr Matthias: Waves Coming For the Barque of Peter

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Homily #141201n ( 20min) Play - Father reminds us that what Christ assumed, He redeemed. He assumed a human nature from the Blessed Virgin, and redeemed human nature, and he also, in a way, assumed a human family by being born into one, and thereby also redeemed the family. As of late, the Christian family has been the subject of confusion and is under attack by both the world and, sadly, even by Church leaders influenced and blinded by the world. We can expect waves to assault the Church, but we can also know that the Church will survive and continue. We can expect what happened in 1968 to happen again, and to bring that back to mind, Father quotes from an address by James Francis Cardinal Stafford where he reflects on the events surrounding the release of the encylcical Humanae Vitae and the ensuing dissent and violence which entered the ranks of the priesthood. Father ends by reminding us that even if we are alone as we stand in defense of the teachings of the Church, the Church will survive, and we will to, but only if we stay aboard.
Ave Maria!
Mass: Monday in the 1st Week in Advent - Wkdy - Form: OF
1st: isa 2:1-5
Resp: psa 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Gsp: mat 8:5-11

Audio (MP3)

